New Novice & Intermediate Trick Dog Titles!
A BIG congratulations goes out to Quinte Canine's Novice Trick Dog Class graduates as well as the Intermediate Trick Dog Class!
Both classes graduated yesterday, earning their NTD or ITD titles! The Novice Trick Dogs preformed a wonderful trick dog show for friends, family and the public! The Intermediate dogs worked VERY hard increasing their difficulty to earn the next level title! We are very proud to introduce you to the newest title holders: Meshu ITD, Willow ITD, Gypsy ITD, Hudson(#1) NTD, Hudson(#2) NTD, Mya NTD, Daisy NTD, Opie NTD (pending final evaluation), Moose NTD (pending final evaluation)!
Special note: Both Hudson (#1) and Mya are visually impaired dogs with low/little vision! You wouldn't know it though with how much their confidence increased and how amazing they did.